Length: 52 meters
Builder: Airyacht

In 2021, the Swiss company AirYacht contacted us to design a new radical airship-yacht crossover concept.

After several months of study, exchanges with the AirYacht technical teams, we present this amazing, luxurious and ultra-lightweight 52-metre superyacht residence.

This residence is attached under a 200-metre helium-filled airship whose design and manufacture are in progress. The three-storey residence can be landed in its entirety or can deploy an elevator to allow guests to disembark.

The residence has the same layout as a superyacht, with three decks, 750 square metres of indoor space including a gym, a sauna and a swimming pool.

Accommodation is provided for 12 guests.

With this project, we physically add a new dimension to your dream: The 3rd dimension – the height.  You can now not only cruise the coast but you can also go everywhere inland: deserts, mountains, lakes… everywhere.

With AirYacht, we have pushed the limits of the impossible as Jules Verne or Leonard de Vinci did a few centuries ago.



37, quai de Versailles

44000 Nantes - France

Tél.: +33 2 40 08 06 37



37, quai de Versailles - 44000 Nantes - France

Tél.: +33 2 40 08 06 37

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